Terms & Conditions

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G E N E R A L   T E R M S   A N D   C O N D I T I O N S


This is a general terms and conditions of the Liberty India Destination Management Pvt Ltd. (defined hereinunder) incorporated under the laws of India, for the purchase and sale of incoming/inbound services for Client (defined hereinunder) in the business to business marketplace (B2B)

1. Contract Design

1.1 The Liberty India Destination Management Pvt Ltd’s General Terms and Conditions set forth in this agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agency GTC”) shall apply to all and any contracts between Liberty International Tourism Group ,a destination management company – (hereinafter referred to as “Agency”/”Liberty”) of the first Part and its customers, who are travel organizers listed in – Our destinations | Liberty (liberty- int.com), and as may be amended from time to time, by Agency, at its sole discretion – (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) of the second Part with the subject matter of Agency being assigned with the administrative conception, planning, organization, coordination and execution of a travel event in Agency's location of business operation/destination (hereinafter referred to as “Inland”). Agency will in the course of the aforementioned procure (touristic) Inland services and resell them in its function as an agency in form of package and/or individual services to Client in the Inland and/or foreign countries (Incoming/Inbound), so that event participants from foreign countries travel to the Inland in order to participate in the event.

1.2 The Agency GTC shall prevail the contractual relationships with companies/service providers in the business-to-business (B2B) marketplace.

1.3 Any and all contractual relationships shall be formed solely on the basis of the Agency GTC set forth in this blanket agreement. Supplemental terms and conditions of Client and/or those conflicting with the Agency GTC shall only become valid upon Agency's clear and written consent.

1.4 In case Agency and Client will, in form of an agency contract or an appendix to such agency contract, conclude an agreement on terms and conditions deviating from the Agency GTC set forth in this blanket agreement, such specific provisions shall take precedence over the respective provisions of the Agency GTC. Any conclusion of contracts between Agency and Client with regards to the mutual services to be performed as well as modifications and/or amendments thereto shall require the written form/consent from both the parties to this contract.

2. Contract ‘s Conclusion

2.1 Agency’s respective cost specifications and estimates, inclusive of description of services as well as its cost, shall form the basis of the contractual relationships of Agency with its Clients. 

2.2 Cost estimates and specifications of Agency’s services as stipulated under this Agency GTC shall be a basis for negotiation and represent a request to Client for making an offer that will be subject to acceptance by Agency. 

2.3 By booking services stated in Agency’s cost specification and estimate, Client is making a binding offer to Agency for the conclusion of an agency contract (hereinafter referred to as Agency Contract). Client is required to make a booking in writing (via facsimile, via e-mail, via letter). The services and cost specifications provided to Client by Agency shall form the basis for the contract offer by Client. 

2.4 Agency’s acceptance of the contract offer made by Client shall require Agency to provide to Client, in written form (via facsimile, via e-mail, via letter) as follows:,
a) a concrete individual contract, or 
b) a booking confirmation 

The Agency Contract and any appendix referenced therein shall come into effect with either the execution of the contract by both parties signing  or  already with the
transmission of the booking confirmation by Agency in accordance with section 2.4 lit. b 

2.5 In the event that the subject matter and terms of the individual contract or the booking confirmation deviate from Client's initial offer, then after terminating the previous contract or booking confirmation, such new provisions shall represent a new offer made to Client by Agency, and new Agency Contract on the basis of the new offer shall come into effect upon Client's acceptance of the new offer by either signing the Agency Contract or confirming the booking confirmation in writing.

3. Agency Services

3.1 Nature and scope of the services to be performed by Agency under the Agency Contract shall be in accordance with Agency’s services and cost specifications in the form and to the extent that they have constituted the contractual basis. 

3.2 With regards to the specification of touristic classifications of accommodations set forth in the services and cost list, such designation of classification will pertain to country/ destination specific classifications as long as not otherwise stated by Agency. 

3.3 With regards to hotel bookings, it shall not be assumed that facilities are handicapped accessible unless clearly indicated. Bookings of handicapped accessible rooms will be made solely upon the written request by Client and the written confirmation by Agency to carry out such bookings, as long as such provisions have not already been agreed upon by both parties in the services and cost specification. Consideration of a request for handicapped accessible rooms that deviates from the services and cost specification under the Agency Contract or was expressed after contract conclusion is subject to the hotels; power of disposition and authorization to warrant such accommodation. 

3.4 Consideration of any special requests for rooms, beds or facilities that differ from the specification in the services and cost list are subject to the hotels; power of disposition and authorization to warrant such services and cannot be guaranteed by Agency. 

3.5 Agency is not an organizer and not a travel organizer in particular, but rather assumes the role of a a destination management company (“DMC”) in accordance with section

1.1 of the Agency GTC for the tasks and services specified in the Agency Contract. Agency, in the course of the performance of its duties under the Agency Contract, enters on its own behalf and for its own account into agreements with the respective service providers (i.e. location hosts, hotels, caterers, artists, advertising partners) and will, insofar as contractually agreed, secure on its own behalf and for its own account any required regulatory permits. Agency’s duties do not include the organization of the event with regards to subject-matter expertise or content, which shall be the sole responsibility of the organizer.

4. Obligations of Client

4.1 Client shall be obligated to promptly notify Agency in writing of any changes or news
that are of importance for the event organization, coordination and execution. 
4.2 In the event that a service provider may directly approach Client with regards to the
responsibilities and services covered by this agreement, Client shall be obligated to refer
the service provider directly to Agency and to leave further contract and organizational
negotiations to Agency 
4.3 Client, as the organizer, shall assume the typical organizational duties and liabilities, in
a) the payment of possible taxes and other dues, with the exception of artist social
security contributions, insofar as such contributions are to be made according to
respective applicable laws, in which case Agency shall be responsible to make such
potential artist social security payments;  
b) the payment of royalties to copyright collecting societies for the performance of
proprietary works, insofar as such royalties are compulsory under the respective
applicable law (in particular but not limited to GEMA in Germany, AKM in Austria
and SUISA in Switzerland)  

It is the sole responsibility of Client to secure, in a timely manner, any and all required
regulatory permits and/or submissions and registrations, insofar as these are not
already part of the subject matter of the contract. Client shall promptly report to
Agency any municipal regulations or ordinances which may be imposed. 

4.4 Client guarantees Agency to designate a competent contact person available to Agency
during the event planning, execution and post-processing phases. This designated
contact person shall be authorized to, on behalf of Client, make or receive to and from
Agency any statements or notifications.

5. Special Duties to Notify and Cooperate

5.1 Client shall inform Agency in case that not all required event documentation (i.e. travel
documents such as tickets and hotel vouchers) has been received within the time period
stated by Agency. Client is obligated to verify the transmitted event documentation on
its correctness and completeness, in particular with regards to compliance with the
bookings. Client is further obligated to promptly notify Agency of any potential
discrepancies, missing documentation or other inconsistencies. In the event that Client
fails to fulfil such duties by negligence or within due time, Client shall be deemed jointly
responsible and liable for any damages arising as a consequence. 
5.2 It is the sole responsibility of Client to inform its (travel) participants of any passport,
visa and health provisions as well as any potential modifications thereof in a timely
manner before the start of the event. 
5.3 Client shall inform its participants/ travellers that Agency is not the event organizer, in
particular not the travel organizer, and that in fact Client itself is the event organizer. 
5.4 Client shall further inform its participants / travellers that 
a) any additional services onsite not included in the services specification of Agency
(such as visitor's tax, miscellaneous local fees, parking, and so forth) will have to be
incurred by the participants themselves. Agency is not a (travel) organizer and will
not incur any of such cost. 
b) local service providers may insist on credit card guarantees or cash deposits. Client
will be informed thereof by Agency in advance and due time. 

6. Cost Budgeting, Substitute Participants/ Travelers, Rebooking 

6.1 With the total cost agreed upon by both parties all industry typical purchases and
expenses with regards to the performance of services by Agency under the Agency
Contract are deemed accounted and compensated for. Any other additional cost, such
as for postage or courier, shall be incurred by Client, whereby sections 6.4 and 6.5 of this
contract shall be unaffected by this provision. 
6.2 Client shall be at liberty to notify and have Agency process any changes to names and
persons of its participants/travellers prior to the start date of the event or travel, insofar
that the substitute participants/travellers comply with the special event/ travel
requirements and the participation of the substitute participants/travellers is not
opposed to by any statutory provision or regulation. Any additional cost arising from
aforementioned changes shall be incurred by Client and can be assessed by Agency with
a flat charge of 30 EUR per person. The proof that expenses incurred are of a lesser
amount shall be at the liberty of both parties. The enforcement of claims for further
damages shall not be excluded by the aforementioned flat charge. 
6.3 Agency cannot guarantee to warrant Client any special requests made by Client after
contract conclusion, in particular for rebooking with regards to date, scope and location

of services as well as accommodation and transportation. Section 6.2 shall remain
unaffected by the aforementioned. 
6.4 Any cost of transportation and accommodation for travel scheduled under the Agency
Contract, insofar as such cost are not already included in the cost budget in accordance
with section 6.1, will be billed separately as follows: 
a) Reimbursable are cost for cab rides, train rides in first class, business air travel and
four-star hotels. Upgrades are permitted if the price of a comparable ride, flight or
room does not exceed the price of the aforementioned respective categories. 
b) In case of utilization of one’s own passenger car, an amount of 0.30 EUR per
kilometre can be assessed. 
c) Travel abroad requires the consent of Client in order to be able to be billed. 
6.5 Daily Rates for the personal presence of Agency or its employees on-site for inspection
of the event location or for its presence during the event can be billed separately to
Client, insofar as such cost are not already included in the budget in accordance with
section 6.1. 

7. Services and Cost Modifications 

7.1 Agency is generally entitled to make modifications to the contractually agreed services
provided that significant reasons for changes occur after contract conclusion, which
make such changes to services absolutely necessary, whereby modifications and
variations of services which substantially impact the nature and scope of services or can
be deemed unreasonable for Client, after mutual and careful consideration of the
respective interests of both parties, and disadvantage Client in against good faith shall
not be permitted. Warranty shall not be affected by the aforementioned provision
insofar as the modified services are impaired by defects. 
7.2 In the event that Client will change or cease the planning, operations and other activities
outside of the on-going performance of services by Agency, Client will reimburse Agency
for all additional cost incurred and dismiss Agency from any liabilities against third
7.3 Agency is entitled to adjust the agreed upon cost after contract conclusion, in due
consideration of the interests of Client, if and to the extent to which 
a) price changes of service providers, 
b) changes to royalties, dues and taxes which are essential for and included in the
scope of services agreed upon, 
c) changes to transportation cost (i.e. fuel) or 
d) changes to currency exchange rates make such cost adjustments absolutely
necessary in order to avoid a loss in profits and insofar as the circumstances which
resulted in an increase were not already existing prior to contract conclusion and
thereby not foreseeable to Agency at the time of contract conclusion. 

A declaration of cost increase is only valid if it is made in writing and stating the
relevant cost positions, for the cost increase relevant factors, to the individual cost
positions applied allocation methods, and the resulting calculations. Added costs for a

service will have to be based on the difference between the contractually agreed
calculation and the actual increased purchase price of that individual service. These
added costs require proof by Agency. 
7.4  Both parties shall inform each other promptly about any and all modifications and
adjustments set forth in the aforementioned sections 7.1 through 7.3. In case of
significant modifications to essential services, including respective costs, Client is
entitled to withdraw from the contract free of charge. In case of changes in accordance
with section 7.1 sentence 1, Client shall have the right, instead of withdrawing from the
contract, to claim provision of a service of at least equal value, if and to the extent that
Agency has the capabilities to provide such service from its service offer without
additional cost for Client . Client has to make claim to its rights against Agency under the
aforementioned sentences 2 and 3 in writing and immediately upon receiving Agency’s
declaration of services and cost modifications in accordance with sentence 1. 
7.5 Total services and cost assessments will be carried out by Agency in appropriate time

8.  Due Date, Payment Terms and Default 

8.1 The contractually agreed compensation will be invoiced to Client, and payments are to
be made in compliance with the specifications in the invoices. Invoiced amounts are to
be transferred to Agency's accounts, no discounts for early payments applied, within 10
days unless otherwise stated in the respective invoice. 
8.2 Unless otherwise agreed upon in individual contracts, the invoiced amount will be due
for payment in full (100%). 
8.3 The invoiced amounts are in Euro (EUR), unless otherwise agreed upon and stated, and
contain, insofar as required, the statutory value added tax according to the taxation rate
applicable on the date of performance of services. Client shall consider and assume
responsibility for any potential bank fees incurred in connection with payments,
including but not limited to bank or currency fees as well as currency fluctuations. 
8.4 Agency is entitled to deposits and/or advance payments, which will be determined by
both parties in form of individual agreements. These will be accounted for in the total
payments due. Should Agency only be willing to perform its services on the condition of
complete or partial advance payments, then such provision will need to be agreed upon
under an individual agreement. The client understands that prepayments paid to Liberty
are used, among others, to comply with contractual requirements with suppliers
involved in the program, in reference to the contract. Liberty will take measures and act
to make the service happen. That said, in the event that the supplier is declared
bankrupt or take other similar measures (such as arrangements with creditors or alike)
Liberty cannot, under any circumstance, be considered responsible for such
prepayments and all such payments shall not be returned to the client. 
8.5 In case Client does not make the advance payments or payment of the complete and
remaining amount respectively within the agreed time period, 

a) Agency shall be entitled to the legally applicable interest for default even without
issuing any further demand notices for payment. 
b) Agency shall further be entitled, even without admonition, to deny the performance
of its services and, after setting a time limit, to withdraw from the contract if and to
the extent that services have not yet been provided, in which case Agency shall be
entitled to charge Client cancellation fees in accordance with sections 13.3 through

9. Rights of Agency 

9.1 In the course of its performance of duties and responsibilities under the Agency
Contract, Agency shall be entitled to use the services of third parties, such as but not
limited to employees, freelancers and subcontractors (Delegation Authority). 
9.2 Agency shall hold the sole decision authority regarding legal matters and relations
pertaining to the contractual relationship.
9.3 . Agency shall have the right to retain shares/ compensation to which it is entitled by
offsetting such against any amounts payable according to accounting practices. 

10. Rights of Client 

10.1 Client shall reserve the right to be involved in significant planning, organization and
realization phases (Participation and Co-Determination Rights), provided that it does
not constitute an impediment to Agency in its fulfilment of duties and responsibilities
under and in accordance with the contract.
10.2 Client shall only be entitled to disclosure of and access to all legal and business
matters under this contract agreed upon by both parties separately in writing. 

11. Advertising/ Photo and Image Rights 

11.1 Client shall make available to Agency all materials necessary for Agency to provide or
perform the contractually agreed services, including, but not limited to, advertising
materials, company logo, event logo, photos, videos, and press releases, free of third
party rights, and will upon request provide further information regarding the event as
well as concrete program content. Client guarantees that potentially required rights
have been obtained. Sections 12.5 and 19.1 prevail.  
11.2 Client will upon prior consultation appoint Agency as the responsible event agency
within the scope of the event. 
11.3  Agency shall be entitled during the course of the event to advertise and promote to
a reasonable extent. 
11.4 Agency is allowed, for reference purposes, to use results of works in excerpts for
internal use as well as the name and logo of Client. 
11.5 Agency will neither produce nor make use of any photos or videos of the event,
unless explicitly agreed by both parties in writing, for example for the purpose of
documentation or self publication as work reference. 

12. Liability 

12.1 In case of breach of contractual and non-contractual duties and responsibilities, both
parties to this contract shall be liable in accordance with the pertinent statutory
provisions, as long as not otherwise determined by the Agency Contract and the Agency
12.2 Agency shall be held liable for damage compensation only in case of wilful deliberate
intent or gross negligence by Agency. In cases of ordinary negligence on the part of
Agency, its legal representatives or vicarious agents, Agency shall only be held liable
a) direct damages resulting out of the breach of substantial duties under the contract
(duties whose fulfilment makes the contract execution possible in the first place, and
where the compliance with such contract duties the other party to the contract shall
and will constantly trust in); in this case, liabilities of Agency shall be limited to
predictable, typically occurring damages. 
12.3 Client shall release Agency irrevocably from any liabilities that arise out of the
materials provided by Client under section 11.1 infringing upon the rights of third
parties (in particular intellectual property rights, photo/image and personality rights,
rights on trademarks and competition) or other statutory provisions. 
12.4 Client shall provide for sufficient event organizer's liability coverage with regards to
the event under the contract. 

13. Event Cancellation/ Postponement, Cancellations 

13.1 Neither Party shall be liable for any obligation of performance, injury, damage, delay,
accident, inconvenience or irregularity under this Agreement that results directly or
indirectly from a Force Majeure Event and this Agreement may thereupon be
terminated in whole or in part by written notice within a reasonable time from the
affected Party. A “Force Majeure Event” for purposes hereof means any act or
circumstance beyond the affected Party’s reasonable control that has the effect of

delaying or rendering the performance of that Party’s obligations hereunder (with the
exception of payment) impractical, inadvisable, or in any other way causes that Party to
delay or fail to perform, in whole or in part (but only to the extent of such delay or
failure to perform), including, without limitation, the occurrence of any of the following
which meet that criteria: an accident, fire, riot, war, civil disturbance, terrorist act,
strike, labor dispute, disruption of transportation, health or travel advisories. In such a
case, both parties have the obligation to notify the other party in writing that a Force
Majeure event occurred and to state exactly the reason for the event. Should this
Agreement be terminated according to the force majeure terms herein, Liberty will
return to Client any payments previously paid by Client to Liberty, less all of the
following amounts which Liberty shall be entitled to retain (or to be paid in the event
there are insufficient Client funds on hand with Liberty): any non-recoverable and other
out-of-pocket costs Liberty has paid or is obligated to pay to its vendors, suppliers and
subcontractors, and any costs (including labor) for which Liberty has otherwise incurred
an obligation to pay, as of the time of the force majeure termination, so long as such
direct and/or indirect costs are supported by reasonable documentation. Liberty may
also decide to offer the client credit to be used towards a future event, with the choice
of a refund or credit being entirely Liberty’s decision. If credit is offered, Liberty shall
propose options to allow the client more alternatives to use the credit. In case a refund
should be made, it will only be processed once Liberty has received all refunds from its
vendors, suppliers and subcontractors. 
13.2 Should Client decide not to execute or to postpone the event due to justifiable reasons
outside of section 13.1, Client shall promptly notify Agency in writing and declare the
respective withdrawal from the contract in writing. In that case Client shall be obligated
to compensate Agency for damages less the saved expenditures.. 

14. Withdrawal due to Insufficient Number of Participants
14.1 In case of services with a contractually agreed minimum number of participants,
Agency shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract due to the intended minimum
number of participants not being attained. 
14.2 Withdrawal from the contract shall be declared to Client immediately and in writing,
unless agreed otherwise in individual contracts. Performed services shall be granted
back. Claims of Agency under sections 13.2 through 13.6 shall not be affected thereof. 
14.3 Sections 14.1 and 14.2 shall not apply insofar as Agency guarantees the performance
of the service independent of the achievement of the minimum number of participants
(Provision of Services Guarantee). In that case, Agency is allowed to adjust the agreed
services to the actual size of the group, at equitable discretion. Sections 7.1 and 7.4
apply accordingly. 
14.4 In the event that the Client wishes to withdraw from this contract prior to its
completion, such withdrawal shall be permitted only upon the payment of an earnest
fee which shall be decided on sole discretion of Agency. The parties agree and
acknowledge that earnest fee is intended to compensate the Agency for any
inconvenience, expenses, or losses incurred due to the withdrawal.

14.5 Payment of the earnest fee shall be made in full within 7 (seven) days from the date
of the withdrawal notice.

15. Unutilized Services 
Should Client not make use of certain individual services that were offered to Client
accordingly, due to reasons attributable to Client, Client shall have no right to claim a
pro rata reimbursement with regards to the respective incurred price. Agency will make
due effort to obtain reimbursement of saved expenses from its service providers, unless
the respective services can be deemed insignificant or in the event that statutory or
regulatory provisions oppose a reimbursement. 

16. Termination 
16.1 An unrestricted right of termination shall be excluded. 
16.2 The right to extraordinary termination for both parties shall not be affected thereof.
Agency shall be entitled to such right in particular if the agreed compensation is not
being paid by Client in due time. 
(a)individual participants of the event, in disregard of warnings by Agency, are
significantly disturbing the execution of the event or if their behaviour is violating
contractual terms and provisions in such a manner that the immediate termination
of the contract is justified. 
(b)insolvency proceedings over Client's assets were opened or the opening of
insolvency proceedings was refused due to a lack of assets.
Should Agency terminate on the basis of the afore-mentioned, Agency shall however
retain its claim for compensation but has to credit Client for the saved expenditures
as well as for the advantages from an ulterior utilization of unused services, including
potential credited amounts from its service providers. 

17. Confidentiality 

Both parties pledge to treat as strictly confidential all information that has become
known during the engagement of the parties under this contract, such as business
relationships and other business/ commercial facts, budget negotiations and guest data.
The obligation to confidentiality shall also apply after termination of the contractual

18. Principles of Loyal Collaboration 
18.1 For the purpose of fulfilling the contract, both parties will work together   
cooperatively and loyally and will promptly inform each other in case of any significant
18.2    Any disputes will be resolved in a fair manner with the goal of a mutual and
amicable solution. 

19. Contract Penalties / Flat Compensation for Damages 

19.1 In the event of a culpable breach of section 11 by Client, Agency shall be entitled to a
contract pen-alty in the amount of Rs.2,67,621 for each culpable breach of photo and
image rights, whereby each singular act shall be deemed an individual infringement
(exclusion of the continuation connection). 
19.2       In the event of a culpable breach of contract confidentiality by Client under
section 17, Agency shall be entitled to a contract penalty in the amount 10% of the
contract offer volume, as basis for assessment, for each event, whereby each singular
act shall be deemed an individual infringement (exclusion of the continuation
19.3 In the event of any other culpable breach of contract by Client, Agency shall be
entitled to a con-tract penalty in the amount 10% of the contract offer volume, as basis
for assessment, for each event, whereby each singular act shall be deemed an individual
infringement (exclusion of the continuation connection). 
19.4      Both parties shall remain at liberty to prove a lesser damage with regards to the
aforementioned cases under sections 19.1 through 19.3. The aforementioned flat
charge assessments for damage compensation shall not exclude the enforcement of
further damages. 

20. Offsetting, Withholding Rights  
20.1 Client shall be entitled to offsetting rights against Agency only if Client’s counter
claims have been established as legally binding, are undisputed or have been
recognized by Agency.  
20.2 Client may only exercise withholding rights if its counterclaim is based on this

21. Language 
21.1 Contract language is English, unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties in
21.2 Organization in local destinations where the contractually agreed services are
performed shall be possible to be conducted in the respective language, unless
otherwise contractually agreed. 

22. Applicable Law, Jurisdiction 
22.1 The contractual relationship shall be subject to the laws of the country/ territory
where the contracted services are being performed or provided, unless otherwise
contractually agreed. 
22.2 Place of fulfilment for all obligations under the contract shall be the country/
territory where the contracted services are being performed or provided, unless
otherwise contractually agreed. Insofar as no legal provisions imperatively stipulate a
different place of jurisdiction according to the respective relevant law, both parties shall
be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the country/ territory where the
contracted services are being performed or provided. 

23. Data Collection, Processing and Use  
The fulfilment of business obligations under the contract will also entail the collection,
processing and use of personal data submitted, in accordance with the relevant legal
provisions of the country/ territory where the data was collected, processed and used. 

24. Concluding Provisions  
In the event that certain clauses of the Agency-GTC are invalid or should become invalid,
they will be replaced by the applicable regulatory provision from which they deviate.
25. Specific Performance:
Parties agree that damages may not be an adequate remedy and that they shall be
entitled to an injunction, restraining order, right for recovery, suit for specific
performance or such other equitable relief as a court of competent jurisdiction may
deem necessary or appropriate to restrain the other party(ies) from committing any
violation or enforce the performance of the covenants, representations and
obligations contained in this contract. These injunctive remedies are cumulative and
are in addition to any other rights and remedies parties may have at Applicable Law,
including a right for damages.
26. Survival: The provisions of this Agreement, which by their nature are intended to
survive the termination or expiration of this contract

(As of: December 2024)

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